
Проаналізовано інформативно-аналітичну складову процесів документування в УСРР. Визначено особливості документування в УСРР 1923–1937 рр., зокрема, підзвітність республіканських діловодних установ центральним, обов’язковість виконання вказівок з центру, перші спроби союзної уніфікації документації, підвищення кількості доповідної, звітної документації до вищих органів, використання режиму секретності, поява планової документації, нівелювання цінності теоретичних питаньдокументування та першочерговість практичних розробок, пов’язаних з Наукова організація праці. The article deals with the peculiarities of documentation in the USSR in 1923-1937. As a result of our work, we note that the main determinant of Ukrainian documentation in 1923-1937 was the accession of the Ukrainian republic to the USSR on December 30, 1922. Formation of documentary tradition was influenced by the functionaries of the Communist Party. The result of the development of the office-work process in the Ukrainian SSR was the creation of documents of various types. The normative documents, of course, had a great influence on the documentation processes, and were adopted by the Secretariat of the Central Committee, the Presidium of the NK RSI, the RNK of the Ukrainian SSR, the Central Executive Committee, the Central Committee of the CPU (b) U, and also other bodies of state administration. At the local level main documents were orders, decisions issued by local councils and their executive municipal committees, district authorities of the party authorities, as well as the heads of institutions, enterprises and organizations. As a result of the analysis, it was clarified that the legislative acts were formal, declarative, politically interlaced; they were not effectively implemented. After analyzing the historical experience gained by Ukrainian scholars in the period of 1923-1937, we have can state that the historical events that took place in Ukraine in this period determined the further direction and ways of developing Ukrainian case-law. The historiography and the sources of the problem (government documentation and scientific and methodological developments of scientists) have been investigated. The article specifies the peculiarities of documentation in the USSR of 1923-1937, among which the accountability of the Republican office-cluster institutions is central, the obligatory implementation of instructions from the center, the first attempts to unify the Union documentation, increase the number of detailed, reporting documentation to higher authorities, the usage of the regime of secrecy, the appearance of planned documentation, leveling the value of theoretical issues of documentation and the priority of practical developments associated with the Scientific management. An informative analytical component of the documentation processes in the Ukrainian SSR was analyzed. As a result of the analysis, it was discovered that the effective implementation of these documents was impossible due to the severe influence of the communist parties in all spheres of political and economic life. The toplicality of the problem is confirmed by the results of our study. However, they do not exhaust a significant range of issues in the history of Ukrainian case-law of the designated period, but, on the contrary, provide grounds for further scientific research.

Authors and Affiliations

В’ячеслав Олегович Кудлай, Ірина Анатоліївна Ангелинова


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How To Cite

В’ячеслав Олегович Кудлай, Ірина Анатоліївна Ангелинова (2018). ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ДОКУМЕНТНО-ІНФОРМАЦІЙНОГО ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ ДІЛОВОДСТВА В УСРР (1923–1937 РР.). Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 8(16), 54-60. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-576376