Sklanjanje starogrških in latinskih lastnih imen moškega spola po prvi sklanjatvi

Journal Title: Keria: Studia Latina et Graeca - Year 2016, Vol 18, Issue 1


The paper analyses 170 classical Greek and 81 Latin names from the electronic edition of the normative guide Slovenski pravopis (Slovene Orthography, eSP 2003), comparing and, where necessary, partly complementing them with the forms and occasionally with the genitives found in B. Aubelj’s 1997 handbook Antična imena po slovensko (Classical Names in Slovene, AIS). The focus is on the nominatives and genitives, particularly in the names retaining their original Greek and Latin endings, and on their Slovenisation. The study discusses by clusters the classical Greek endings -as (and the word-final element -goras), -es (and the word-final element -kles), -is, -os, -us, including combinations with vowels (e.g. -ias, -eus), the endings -on and -s, and the Latin endings -us (including word-final element -ius, -tius), -um (including e.g. word-final element -eum), -o, and -s. The discussion of each cluster offers a proposal for a Slovenised nominatival base and a genitival suffix, while the conclusion brings a summary of the proposals requiring new expert assessment, and two tables.

Authors and Affiliations

Marta Kocjan Barle


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  • EP ID EP301455
  • DOI 10.4312/keria.18.1.97-115
  • Views 42
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How To Cite

Marta Kocjan Barle (2016). Sklanjanje starogrških in latinskih lastnih imen moškega spola po prvi sklanjatvi. Keria: Studia Latina et Graeca, 18(1), 98-115.