Скорина про самого себе. Біографічний та автобіографічний контексти

Journal Title: Przegląd Środkowo-Wschodni - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue


In the article, the author demonstrates that Francysk Skоryna can be considered a follower of Vladimir Monomakh. The latter, as one of the fi rst in the culture of Kievan Rus’, in his Instruction (also known as The Testament) to his own children, refers to his own life and deeds. Skaryna often uses a topos of modesty calling himself „a simple man”; 94 times he mentions his own surname, 21 times he calls himself „a son”. He frequently refers to himself as Franciszek and just once as Francysk. In his works of Prague and Vilnius period he calls himself a Christian, however he does not specify a denomination. Just like Hilarion of Kiev in his Sermon on Law and Grace, Skоryna proclaims the primacy of the New over the Old Testament. He says that living in the period of the New Testament is a priviledge that implies duties. He also states that he is Ruthenian, comes from people, simple folk and wants to serve it.

Authors and Affiliations

Valentyna Sobol


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  • EP ID EP378190
  • DOI 10.32612/uw.2543618X.2018.pp.59-69
  • Views 130
  • Downloads 0

How To Cite

Valentyna Sobol (2018). Скорина про самого себе. Біографічний та автобіографічний контексти. Przegląd Środkowo-Wschodni, 3(), 59-69. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-378190