Шляхи забезпечення реалізації принципів судового процесу

Journal Title: Форум права - Year 2017, Vol 48, Issue 5


Судовий процес в рамках системного підходу розглядається як система, а його принципи – як системоутворюючі властивості. Показано, що їх сукупність утворює якість судового процесу, адміністративного судочинства України. Доводиться, що надзвичайно важливим завданням є забезпечення реалізації нормативних принципів судового про-цесу, створення механізмів реалізації принципів судового процесу. Судебный процесс в рамках системного подхода рассматривается как система, а его принципы – как системообра-зующие свойства. Показано, что их совокупность образует качество судебного процесса, административного судо-производства Украины. Доказывается, что важнейшей задачей является обеспечение реализации нормативных принципов судебного процесса, создание механизмов реализации принципов судебного процесса. Under the principles (principles), rights are usually understood by the basic ideas, the initial provisions, which are enshrined in the law, are of general importance, of higher imperative and reflect the essential provisions of law. the judicial principles are divided into principles of the construction of the court system and the principles of the court process. the latter (the principles of the litigation) can be defined as its principles, regulated by law, having a mandatory nature. from the standpoint of system theory, if the trial is regarded as a system, these principles are interpreted as the system-forming properties of this process, and their aggregate is its quality. Having considered the organizational principles of the construction of the court system, the author concluded that the proposals of some politicians regarding the change in the system of courts, in particular, regarding the creation of an anti-corruption court, contradict these principles, in particular, the principle of the integrity of the judicial system. As to the principles of judicial activity. comprehensive, systematic analysis of the provisions of article 2 Code of Administrative Proceedings allows us to conclude that: first, in comparison with the provisions of art.2 of the previous edition of the case, the list of principles of administrative legal proceedings is somewhat extended. New principles introduced. second. the basic principles of administrative legal proceedings, and therefore its principles, are not only the provisions of part 3 of art.2 but also part 1, as well as part 2 of this article in a new statement of the can. In addition to the principles of judicial activity, the implementation of the trial, organizational principles for the construction of the judicial system should be highlighted. It is noted that insufficient provision of the implementation of the principles of the court process and the appropriate mechanisms for their implementation leads to a decrease in the quality of specific litigation and poses a problem for the practice of judicial proceedings. The main ways of ensuring the implementation of the principles of the judicial process are to systematize the principles of the judicial process in relation to administrative legal proceedings, as well as to develop the organizational mechanisms for ensuring the implementation of these principles.

Authors and Affiliations

І. В. Владимиренко


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  • EP ID EP292003
  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1189479
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How To Cite

І. В. Владимиренко (2017). Шляхи забезпечення реалізації принципів судового процесу. Форум права, 48(5), 73-77. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-292003