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Journal Title: Studia Rusycystyczne Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego - Year 2018, Vol 26, Issue
The article deals with phraseological combinations as nominative units of language in com- parison with a word. The conceptual analysis of phraseological combinations, suggesting their correlation with some mental complex, reveals their individuality as a designation unit. The differ- ence between phraseological combinations from correlative verbs is that they represent the same situations in the real world more complex, and behind this complexity there is naturally a more complex thought content. The linguistic form of phraseological combinations – the combination of a verb with a concrete meaning and an abstract name – indicates the complexity of its mental content. Phraseological combinations are characterized by the multidimensionality of knowledge involved in the formation of their meaning, and in this respect they are combined with other units of the secondary nomination. The non-free compatibility of the verbal component informs the abstract name of the necessary “visibility”. In this aspect, phraseological combinations appear as a code of information about an invisible world fixed in the minds of native speakers and can be defined as a medium and a condition for the functionalization of abstract names.
Authors and Affiliations
Viktoria Didkovskaia
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