Journal Title: Czasopismo Pedagogiczne/The Journal of Pedagogy - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 3
The text includes a short presentation of the most important objectives of slow education, especially the philosophical foundations, research methodology and educational practices. e analysis starts from Maurice Holt, who in 2002 announced the Manifesto of slow education and was a precursor of this thought in critical educational research (Holt, 2002). e main aim of this article is to present the broad theoretical contexts directly referring to the assumptions of the philosophy of slowness and slow life. is in turn enabled the creation of practical initiatives in the broad mainstream of socio-cultural alternatives. is referrs to institutional ideas such as University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo (Petrini, 2007), critical educational research from the University of Toronto (Berg, Seeber, 2016), analyzes within theology and sociology of religion (Smith, Pattison, 2014), as well as empirical examples of slow schools (Domenech, 2011). e presentation brings interesting but also not very present on the ground of Polish pedagogy, slow education project, which has numerous analyzes, both in theory and practice of education in the world literature today.
Authors and Affiliations
Szymon Dąbrowski
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