Сльози Божої Матері як жертви: політична теологія Богородиці у Візантії і східнослов’янських «Русях» в домонгольській епосі (у Київській і Суздальській Русі)


From the broad theme of representation of the political theology, let us limit within the framorks of this paper on the study of Mary's tears as the idealized “soldiers of the Homeland”. According to the pious tradition, the tears of Virgin Mary saved Constantinople against the siege of Avars and their barbarian allies in 629, and this “event” resulted a literary topos. — Similar features were recorded in East Slavic chronicles, as a tearing icon of Mary defended Suzdaľ from enemies, or according to another versions, the same Mother of the God appeared on the walls, crying and her tears saved the state. The icon Theotokos of Vladimir, which is now the symbol and patron of Russia, was painted in Byzantium and donated to Kiev, and then Andrei Bogoljubsky took it to Suzdaľ in 1157, later this icon got to Vladimir, and last to Moscow. The cult of Mary developed on the prolific Slavic soil, too, since “the Mother of Homeland” had roots in the pagan Slavic mythology as well. — Last but not least, the Hungarian cult of Virgin Mary as Patrona Hungariae could be regarded as a result of impacts by the Byzantine Theotokos, at least in some aspect.

Authors and Affiliations

Sándor Földvári


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Sándor Földvári (2018). Сльози Божої Матері як жертви: політична теологія Богородиці у Візантії і східнослов’янських «Русях» в домонгольській епосі (у Київській і Суздальській Русі). Наукові записки Богословсько-історичного науково-дослідного центру імені архімандрита Василія (Проніна), 5(), 362-374. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-505293