Social and economic aspects of the state policy of complex development of tourism sphere in Ukraine
Journal Title: Публічне управління та митне адміністрування - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue
Countries in which the main world centers of tourism have formed, have turned tourism into state policy, placing it in the center of development of commodity-money relations, the main type of employment, development of national culture. Ukraine has a high tourist and recreational potential, its unique natural and recreational resources, national and world cultural heritage sites are concentrated on its territory. However, not always the tourist potential of our state is used to the full extent; in order to have the most effective development of tourist potential a number of cardinal measures are needed, among which the state occupies an important place. In the narrow sense, tourism is a temporary travel of citizens in health care, recreation, cognitive, physical culture, sports, professional, business, religious and other purposes without engaging in activities related to receiving income from sources in a state of temporary residence. Tourism in the broadest sense is a sphere of tourism, a complex system, which, being part of the social sphere, at the same time, belongs to the complex inter-branch object of public administration. The objectives of tourism policy include social, economic, cultural and ideological and educational, organizational, environmental trends. The role, goals, objectives, principles and directions of the state’s activities in the field of tourism are in the state policy in the field of tourism. In its turn, tourism policy, being an integral part of the domestic and foreign policy of the state, is enshrined in program and strategic acts. The unity of the goals and objectives of the state’s development will allow successful implementation of the program-specific tools for the growth of the cultural level, the spiritual potential and the well-being of society and of every citizen. This requires the formation of an affordable and comfortable environment; improving the quality and competitiveness of the tourism product on the domestic and world markets; implementation and strengthening of the social role of tourism, including the development of social, health and recreation, children, youth and youth tourism; improvement of the system of management and statistical accounting in the field of tourism; ensuring the growth of the economy and quality of life of the population through the development of tourism; comprehensive security in the field of tourism-sustainable development of tourism services; promotion of tourism product in domestic and international tourist markets. The principles of tourism development in Ukraine should be – the use of an integrated approach to the development of tourism; integration of tourism development into all spheres of economy and social life of society; innovative nature of tourism development; stimulation of entrepreneurial initiatives of participants of tourist business, creation of conditions for the growth of the number of small enterprises; providing intercultural communication and international cooperation in organizing tourist programs and balancing the interests of all participants in the tourism development process. Public administration in the field of tourism should be aimed at ensuring public interest, which consists in the need to ensure the personal safety of tourists, the protection of their rights and legitimate interests; effective control over the quality and safety of tourism industry services, ensuring their availability for social tourists; reliability, stability and predictability of functioning of the national tourism market, presence of competition on it, protection of economic interests, including in foreign markets; the persistence and effectiveness of the functioning of the public administration system of tourism, providing citizens with quality and affordable public services. In order to implement and finance these requirements, state programs are adopted with a system of state policy measures and instruments that ensure, within the framework of the implementation of key public functions, the achievement of the priorities and objectives of state policy in the field of socio-economic development and security. In choosing the programmatic mechanism of state financing and the implementation of public investment to ensure the development of domestic and foreign tourism in Ukraine, numerous models have been proposed.
Authors and Affiliations
І. О. Парубчак,, Я. Гримак
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