Social Change and Religion


Change is an inevitable fact of all communities and all institutions that make up societies. Religion as a social organization that brings social orders into being and keeps them together is anything but a section and a crucial factor of social change. A change event that may occur in an existing part of the social structure may eventually affect almost all the infrastructures in the existing structure system. Alongside with the modernism (before and after); It's obviously true that a rapid and effective change process is experienced in almost every field in all societies affected by the process. In the functioning of the aforementioned process, religious perceptions and tendencies gradually change in this phenomenon, as well.. As it is known, important events that occur in social systems can cause sudden and surprise needs and a number of problems aimed at meeting these needs, and these emerging problems affect almost all institutions, including religion, and force themselves to adapt to change. The institution of religion, which is an important element of the social order, is almost in contact with the whole of this system. Religion is accepted as an effective system that performs absolute functions that are important for the ongoing social order. The reflection of some goals and needs of the social order is seen in the functions of the phenomenon of religion and in the structures it creates in order to fulfill these functions. The purpose of this study is to understand the complex relationship between religion and change. For this purpose, first of all, conceptual analyzes were made and the subject of social change was examined. Then, the functions of the phenomenon of religion in the process of social change have been discussed. Thus, this study is important in terms of defining social change, religion and change phenomenon and determining what they are.

Authors and Affiliations

Yılmaz Arı; Faris Hocaoğlu


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Yılmaz Arı; Faris Hocaoğlu (2024). Social Change and Religion. ULUSLARARASI DORLİON AKADEMİK SOSYAL ARAŞTIRMALAR DERGİSİ (DASAD), 2(1), -.