Social media monitoring as a key success factor for contemporary companies
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 1
Companies can use social media to monitor brand’s mentions on the Internet, assess the success of their marketing campaigns and monitor information about their competitors as well as other important issues. Social media monitoring can be utilized for benchmarking purposes, managing corporate image and brand’s reputation, understanding strengths and weaknesses of the corporate commu-nication strategy implemented by the company as well as identification of ari-sing opportunities. Monitoring of critics and applauses is essential to protect the reputation of the company and better understanding of the customer’s needs and wants as well as possible customer service improvements. Integration of social media monitoring into customer service helps to better and faster address arising problems and prevent a crisis. However, it should be supported by marketing department. Automation of the monitoring process helps to faster respond to user’s enquiries and complaints what increases customer’s satisfaction and loyalty.
Authors and Affiliations
Agnieszka Chwiałkowska
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