Social Reflection as a Mechanism of Self-organization of social networks

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 1


In XXI century in information society increase the role and significance of freedom of active creative personality and appropriate equal free self-organized network relations. Availability in participants of social network the ability for social reflection determines their initiated self-organization of social network, understanding by them of nature of social processes and sense of current situation in society and elaboration of skills of practically-organized activity. Intensive social reflection significantly faster the self-organization of legal social networks and creates peculiar network catharsis by which in participants of networks appears a feeling of solidarity and confidence in legitimacy of their own actions. Telecommunications information networks of internet which being completed upon social networks accelerate self-organization and improve the quality of them, streamline social reflection, consolidate appropriate segments of collective network consciousness and make the network participants by influential social subject. Skilled use of social reflection in network segments of society makes it more competitive in modern world.

Authors and Affiliations

Yaroslav Lyubiviy


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How To Cite

Yaroslav Lyubiviy (2016). Social Reflection as a Mechanism of Self-organization of social networks. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(1), 3-24.