
Робота присвячена питанням соціологічного аналізу процесу соціальноекономічної адаптації внутрішньо переміщених осіб в умовах суспільних трансформацій. Розглядаються поняття «соціально-економічна адаптація», «психологічна адаптація», «інтегральний індекс», специфіка використання інтегральних показників при проведенні емпіричних досліджень. Розглянуто основні аспекти розробки відповідної інтегральної оцінки та основні підходи до виміру соціально-економічної адаптації ВПО. Negative trends in the economy of Ukraine, rising inflation, the destruction of economic relations, the lack of real opportunities for the introduction of alternative economic activities inevitably impact on social development indicators, hitting the labour market and in the area of income, that, despite the devaluation of the hryvnia, the stagnation of the banking system and the ongoing military confrontation in the East, created a precedent when large numbers of people simultaneously forced to adapt to swift and brutal reality, balancing on the brink of economic, and sometimes even physical survival. Among leading areas of research of modern Ukrainian society today there are problems of adapting to socio-economic changes, learning new survival strategies and their effectiveness, adaptation of the individual in terms of social transformations, changes of health of the population, psychological defence mechanisms, studying the changes as a factor of motivation and analysis of nature of the relationships between the processes of growing social tensions and social passivity; study of changes in their economic and social consequences; reassessment of spiritual values in crisis and postcrisis society; determination of the prospects of the future. The urgency of the problem necessitated the implementation of the following tasks: by analyzing the scientific achievements of the problems investigated clarify and highlight the approaches used to measure the level of socio-economic adaptation of internally displaced persons; determine the most effective methods of research and analysis of adaptation processes. Note that the process of transforming the socio-political and economic situation in the country, science and practice requires broad implementation of universal indicators and parameters comparable to other characteristics of social life. In the focus of the presented work there is the problem, important and insufficiently covered in the domestic scientific literature, - the development of appropriate indicator of socio-economic adaptation of internally displaced persons and criteria for evaluation of adaptation of the individual in terms of social instability, which, in our view, will fully disclose the phenomenon of social adjustment and supplement of this new category of characteristic features. Successful adaptation process at the level of society can be considered as a process of co-adaptation of two complex adaptation strategies - individual and systemic. Signs of the lack of adapting acts are falling living standards, growing social polarization, increasing social tension and conflict in society, increasing emigration intentions. Thus, the socio-economic reintegration of IDPs as objectively necessary process of entering individual in a renewed social environment, which, of course, any personality not only meets their needs and reaches life goals, but also is able to implement progressive changes of the environment

Authors and Affiliations

Nataliya Mazina, Natalya Skok


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How To Cite

Nataliya Mazina, Natalya Skok (2016). СОЦІАЛЬНО-ЕКОНОМІЧНА АДАПТАЦІЯ ВНУТРІШНЬО ПЕРЕМІЩЕНИХ ОСІБ: ПІДХОДИ ДО ВИМІРУ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 6(12), 131-138. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-433368