Socio-critical model and the management of physical activity in education students at a university (Modelo sociocrítico y la gestión de actividad física en estudiantes de educación de una Universidad)
Journal Title: Gestiones. - Year 2022, Vol 2, Issue 1
The study adopted a quantitative, non-experimental and correlational approach, with a sample of 35 students selected in a non-probabilistic manner. Validated questionnaires were used to measure the sociocritical model and physical activity, with reliability checked by Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. The instruments consisted of a questionnaire of the sociocritical model, validated by experts, and a questionnaire adapted from the WHO GPAQ to measure physical activity. Data analysis was performed using Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient in SPSS software. The results showed positive, direct and significant correlations, highlighting a strong relationship between physical activity and free time (Rho = 0.934), suggesting that physical activitypredicts free time with more than 50% certainty. The sociocritical model applied in physical education favors both motor development and critical reflection on well-being and the social context
Authors and Affiliations
Randall Jesús Seminario Unzueta Patricia Marlene Pérez García Ronny Saul Micha Aponte Zoila Ayvar Bazán
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