Socio-economic aspects and impact of land use change on sediment production dynamics in the northeastern region of India


The northeastern region of India, with an area of 255 090 km[sup]2[/sup], is predominantly hilly. Major socio-economic factors affecting sediment production in the region are; shifting cultivation, land tenure system, fast growing population, small landholdings, deforestation and free range grazing. A multi-disciplinary longterm study showed that 92.9 to 99.1% of rainwater can be retained in-situ, compared to 66.3% in shifting cultivation. Mean annual soil loss varied from 11.2 to 97.2 t km[sup]–2[/sup] in new land use systems as against 3621.3 t km[sup]–2[/sup] in shifting cultivation. The sediment load per litre of runoff from watersheds varied from 1250–20,300 mg suspended sediment, 5.4 to 23.6 mg NO[sub]3[/sub] – N, 2.3 to 6.5 mg P–PO[sub]4[/sub], 17.2 to 35.8 mg K[sub]2[/sub]O, 0.4 to 1.8 mg Zn, 0.9 to 2.7 mg Mn, 6.5 to 12.0 mg Mg, 7.1 to 18.4 mg Fe and 4.0 to 7.2 mg SO[sub]4[/sub]. The sediment transport from the catchments showed spatial and temporal variations.

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How To Cite

U. SHARMA, VIKAS SHARMA (2010). Socio-economic aspects and impact of land use change on sediment production dynamics in the northeastern region of India. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation, 42(1), 209-217.