Socio-economic determinants of asthma and allergic diseases among students of lower secondary schools in Bytom
Journal Title: Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis - Year 2017, Vol 71, Issue
INTRODUCTION: The implementation of prevention programmes requires proper identification of risk factors, inclu-ding socio-economic conditions. The aim of the study was to determine the socio-economic determinants of asthma and allergic diseases occurring in children from Bytom. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In 2011 and 2012, an epidemiological cross-sectional study on 1,099 students from lower secondary schools from Bytom was conducted. The students completed a questionnaire which was based on an earlier Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study (HBSC). The impact of the FAS (Family Affluence Scale) and mother’s education level on asthma, dyspnoea, wheeze and allergy to house dust, pollen and pet dander were analysed. The questionnaire-derived data were analysed by means of conventional methods (Statistica 6.0). Statistical inference was made against the criterion of p < 0.05. RESULTS: The prevalence of ever diagnosed asthma was 9.9%, dyspnoea – 24.4%, wheeze – 17.5% and these problems occurred more often in children from families with a low FAS score. Asthma occurred more frequently among children whose mothers have a primary or vocational education. Children from families with a high socio- -economic status more frequently have allergy tests performed and reported allergies to house dust, pollen and animal dander. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows the impact of lower maternal education on a higher prevalence of asthma in children, which may be associated with adverse health behaviours. Sensitization to inhalant allergens are specific to children from families with a high SES, which may be associated with the higher frequency of conducted allergy tests in this group.
Authors and Affiliations
Elżbieta Czech, Agata Wypych-Ślusarska, Joanna Kasznia-Kocot, Ewa Niewiadomska, Michał Skrzypek, Jerzy Słowiński, Jolanta Malinowska-Borowska
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