
У статті аналізуються сутність і зміст організаційної взаємодії як форми соціальної солідарності в умовах глобальних змін і суспільних трансформацій. Зокрема, предметно розглядаються родові ознаки та структурно-функціональні властивості даного соціального феномену, призначеного для забезпечення миру і злагоди українського соціуму, а також спрямування останнього на розбудову дійсно демократичної, правової, соціальної та європейської держави. In the article, the author analyses the essence and maintenance of organizational interaction as a form of social solidarity in the conditions of global changes and public transformations. In particular, the author studies the generic features and structural- functional properties of this social phenomenon for providing the consent of the world‟s and Ukrainian society; the author also studies the aspiration for the development of a European state - democratic, legal, and social. The problem of the concept of a category "organizational interaction" has an outstanding value for the development of formative form principles of solidarity of individuals and taskforces within the limits of social organizations for the achievement of a certain goal and for the realization of special and general interests. In fact, not knowing the essence of human interactions, which take place within the framework of formal organizations, it is impossible to direct effectively the actions of the latter and to use their possibilities for the good for everybody and in the interests of all people. The analysis shows that the concept of categories "organizational interaction" in the context of social solidarity remains out of eyeshot of sociological science. In particular, this category did not yet take the main place in the philosophical and sociological dictionaries that limits its use in sociological researches for explanation of the difficult organizational-administrative phenomena and the processes of society. With the aim of the concept of the category "organizational interaction" there is the essence signs of the two its constituents -" interaction" and "organizational", which are specified in the article. This gives an opportunity to analyse their intercommunication in the composition unit as a form of social solidarity. It is necessary to underline that although social interaction and social action are the processes that are alike in maintenance and character, but the mechanism of their development is different. One individual participates in a social action, and in a social interaction, there are at least two individuals. Social interaction takes place there and then, where and when even two individuals mutually influence on each other, as out of limits of this interaction human actions come forward not as public (social), but as individual (personal) actions. From this judgement, we can conclude that social interaction is a process of the exchange of social actions between two or more individuals and it is directed in two social actions. Thus, the key sign of a social interaction is a feedback.

Authors and Affiliations

Mykola Tulenkov


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How To Cite

Mykola Tulenkov (2017). СОЦІОЛОГІЧНА КОНЦЕПТУАЛІЗАЦІЯ ОРГАНІЗАЦІЙНОЇ ВЗАЄМОДІЇ ЯК ФОРМИ СОЦІАЛЬНОЇ СОЛІДАРНОСТІ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 7(14), 189-201. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-434968