Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 18
У статті висвітлюються історіографічні аспекти щодо соціологічного напрямку наукової діяльності М. Грушевського емігрантської доби. Розглядаються історіографічні оцінки цього питання українських науковців ХХ – початку ХХІ ст. За рахунок цього поглиблюється аналіз наукової спадщини видатного вченого. З’ясовано місце соціологічного аспекту в наукових дослідженнях історика. The article covers the historiographic aspects of the sociological area of M. Hrushevsky’s scientific activity of the emigrant period. It examines historiographic assessments of this issue made by the Ukrainian researchers of the second half of the XXth - early XXIst cent. Owing to this the analysis of the scientific heritage of the prominent researcher is deepened. The place of the sociological aspect in the scientific researches of the historian is defined. The historiographic analysis of M. Hrushevsky’s scientific activity in the emigrant period of 1919-1924 enabled to identify the research interest of the Ukrainian historians. The researchers pointed out at the sociological focus area in Mykhailo Hrushevsky’s scientific works that gave the opportunity to interpret his scientific heritage more thoroughly. The historiographic review of M. Hrushevsky’s sociological researches emphasized the many-sided nature of the prominent historian’s scientific heritage. Especially it concerns the representatives of the emigrant and contemporary Ukrainian historical science. The historians of diaspora (L.Vynar, S. Zabrovarny, O. Pritsak) proved that the sociological-comparative method used by M. Hrushevsky in the historical research as social, economic and cultural synthesis of the nation’s history enhanced the capabilities to study it more systematically. It was stated that the outstanding scientist popularized the social history of Ukraine in the West-European scientific community with the help of his public lectures on historic and sociological topics. The contemporary Ukrainian historians (V. Bilodid, O. Kopylenko, V. Telvak, L. Chugaevska, I. Shostak, O. Yas and others) analysed the historian’s sociological works and stated world outlook evolution of Mykhailo Hrushevsky from the romantic narodnik movement to the critical rethinking of sociology. The analysis of M. Hrushevsky’s sociological heritage defined the interrelation of “public and national” and the state system as well as the main issues of sociology as a science and sociological ideas in Ukrainian national studies. The contemporary historians traced rethinking the historian’s research strategies.
Authors and Affiliations
Natalia Romantsova
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