Sociology of Quranic Norms
Journal Title: Eskiyeni - Year 2013, Vol 1, Issue 27
This article aims to discuss the status of the norms of the Koran in the perspective of the sociology of law. According to the sociology of law, law is not the socialization of an abstract idea of justice, but rather it has roots in the socio-cultural and the historical processes as a part of the social structure. The norms of the Koran, which gained a systematic discipline in the Islamic law, is partly human and partly divine in terms of the resources. The basic question in this context that must be clarified is: To what extent the norms of the Koran contact with the social life and takes into account of the social reality? What can be said for the sensitivity of the social reality based on the structural analysis and methods of the Islamic law? In order to give an answer to this question, first of all the sociology of law and the approaches within this discipline will be addressed, and then starting from this approaches there will be an analysis of the Islamic law
Authors and Affiliations
Kadir Canatan
Eskiyeni Anadolu İlahiyat Akademisi Dergisi 32. Sayı (Tanrı Tasavvurları II)
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