The paper broach cultural patterns issues: describes their essence and emphasizes their importance for organizational functioning and development. The deliberations concentrate on the dominant and desired cultural patter...
Purpose: Established professions and knowledge workers identify more with their professional groups than with their organisations. The purpose of the study was to find what kind of work-related identities are shown by cl...
PurposeThe aim of this article is to present two models for teaching business ethics: ethicsof business and ethics for business. In the article, I defend the thesis that businessethics taught in corporations (ethics for...
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to analyze correlates of access to, use of and skills with PC and Internet tools with social characteristics such as occupational category, income and other indicators of status....
Dyskusja nad obecnością kobiet w organach statutowych polskich spółek publicznych dopiero się rozpoczyna. Pierwsze badania wskazują na poważny problem symbolicznego udziału kobiet w radach nadzorczych i zarządach. Główny...
EP ID EP185990
Views 190
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How To Cite
Marcin Kula (2007). Socjologia na co dzień. Hamburger a naród. Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe, 15(6),
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The cultural patterns in organizations
The paper broach cultural patterns issues: describes their essence and emphasizes their importance for organizational functioning and development. The deliberations concentrate on the dominant and desired cultural patter...
Work-Related Identity of Clinical Research Sector Employees in Poland Against Professional Transformation of the Industry
Purpose: Established professions and knowledge workers identify more with their professional groups than with their organisations. The purpose of the study was to find what kind of work-related identities are shown by cl...
Ethics of Business or Ethics for Business? Two Models for Teaching Business Ethics
PurposeThe aim of this article is to present two models for teaching business ethics: ethicsof business and ethics for business. In the article, I defend the thesis that businessethics taught in corporations (ethics for...
Digital Divide in Poland: An Exploration of Some Sociological Impacts of Personal Computer Possession, Internet Use and PC Proficiency
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to analyze correlates of access to, use of and skills with PC and Internet tools with social characteristics such as occupational category, income and other indicators of status....
Obecność kobiet w organach statutowych polskich spółek publicznych: perspektywa teorii instytucjonalnej oraz teorii zasobowej
Dyskusja nad obecnością kobiet w organach statutowych polskich spółek publicznych dopiero się rozpoczyna. Pierwsze badania wskazują na poważny problem symbolicznego udziału kobiet w radach nadzorczych i zarządach. Główny...