Vladimir Varshavsky – a representative of the younger generation of the first wave Russian emigration – went down in the history of literature as the author of the memoirs “The Unnoticed Generation”, dedicated to his gen...
The article is devoted to the analysis of the genetic-intertextual kontext of this Zabuzhko’s tale, in wich writer does her artistic search. Zabuzhko uses the motives of Old and New Testament, the subjects of Ukrainian f...
Niezauważone pokolenie emigracji rosyjskiej pierwszej fali (o wspomnieniach Władimira Warszawskiego)
Vladimir Varshavsky – a representative of the younger generation of the first wave Russian emigration – went down in the history of literature as the author of the memoirs “The Unnoticed Generation”, dedicated to his gen...
Наречия в русских и польских газетных заголовкax
Польськa поетична сторінка літературнoгo Львoвa 90-х років XX ст.
Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa we Wrocławiu "Wyraz i zdanie w językach słowiańskich, IV, (opis, konfrontacja, przekład)"
Пoвicть -притча Оксани Забужко Казка про калинову сопiлку: проблема генетико-iнтертекстуального пiдгрунтя мистецьких пoшукiв письменницi
The article is devoted to the analysis of the genetic-intertextual kontext of this Zabuzhko’s tale, in wich writer does her artistic search. Zabuzhko uses the motives of Old and New Testament, the subjects of Ukrainian f...