Solar Power Harnessing For Led Application Using Interleaved Boost Converte
Journal Title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering) - Year 2017, Vol 12, Issue 3
The ever increasing demand for the Electrical energy has made the mankind to turn towards renewable energy sources. Photovoltaic (PV) is one of the renewable energy source. For effective and efficient utilization of the SPV panel a DC-DC converter interface required. The problem in using high frequency converter interface is the resultant high frequency ripple interaction with the SPV system. In this work, an interleaved boost converter (IBC) is considered to reduce the ripple. Our finding is that IBC fed by a SPV panel reduces this ripple to a greater extent. IBC also has a faster transient response as compared to conventional boost converters with reduced ripple contents. The advanced PWM techniques are used to decrease the ripple current to minimum value and to increases the efficiency of the system. The performance have been analyzed with the help of MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation result shows that IBC converter reduces the ripple current and increases the efficiency of the system.
Authors and Affiliations
Sri Vathsa K, Dr. P Usha
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