Solitary Thyroid Nodule: Efficacy of FNAC in Diagnosing Malignancy and Various Surgical Modalities in Management
Introduction: Thyroid nodule may present as an adenoma, cyst, toxic goiter, non-toxic goiter, malignacy, dominant nodule in the thyroid, Hashimotos thyroiditis. Hence preoperative diagnosis may help in the management. FNAC can be used as most efficient investigation to diagnose malignancy in patients with solitary thyroid nodule. And the diagnosis can be confirmed by the histopathological examination which is gold standard investigation. Aims and objectives: 1. To study the efficacy of diagnostic investigations and management of solitary nodule thyroid at KIMS, Hubli. 2. To study the various surgical modalities used in treatment and post operative complication. Material and methods: present study was conducted in department of surgery of KIMS, Hubli. By using a predefined inclusion and exclusion criterion 25 patients of solitary thyroid nodule were enrolled in the study. All details of patients including clinical findings were entered in the proforma. All the patients were subjected to FNAC. All the patients were managed by surgery. And Histopathological examination of the swelling was done. All patients were monitored post operatively for any complication. Results: 76% patients were from 20 -40 years of age group. 92% of patients were females. On FNAC 6 patients showed malignant changes. Whereas on histopathopathological examination malignancy was confirmed in 5 patients. Thus the sensitivity of FNAC was 100% and specificity was 95% in this study. All the patients were managed surgically. Hemi- thyroidectomy was the most common procedure was used to manage the patients with benign nodes. . Out of the six cases of malignancy diagnosed on FNAC two were follicular carcinoma and were managed by hemi-thyroidectomy. Whereas in two cases of papillary carcinoma total- thyroidedctomy was done. Conclusion: FNAC was the most sensitive and specific investigation to diagnose malignanacy in solitary thyroid nodule in this study. And patients with solitary nodule can be managed efficiently by surgery with minimum post operative surgical complications.
Authors and Affiliations
Sabu N. Satihal , Eranna R. Palled
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