The prediction of delivery date by ultrasonic measurement of fetal crown – Rump length in first trimester
Introduction: The establishment of pregnancy dates is important not only for the mother who wants to know when to expect the delivery, but it is also important to calculate the gestational age. Accurate dating decrease the number of labour inductions for postterm pregnancies, prevent iatrogenic prematurity Aims and Objectives: To study prediction of delivery date by ultrasonic measurement of fetal crown – rump length in first trimester. Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study at OBGY department of tertiary health care center during 12 months. Sample size was 200.EDD is calculated by Naegele’s rule Obstetric ultrasonography will be performed using Philips ultrasound scanner using a 3.5MHZ convex probe. Data was analyzed statically by chi square test, paired t test and other appropriate statistical tests using SPSS version. P value of <0.05 will be considered statistically significant. Result: The maximum cases studied were in age group of 20-24 years i.e., 124 cases (62%) . In EDD of USG, out of 200 cases 22(11%) delivered on predicted day, 61(30.5%) delivered 7 days before, 95(47.5%) delivered after 7 days, 1(0.5%) delivered 8-10 days before, 13(6.5%) delivered 8-10 days after, 0(0%) delivered 11-14 days before, 4(2.0%) delivered after 11-14 days, 1(0.5%) delivered before 15-21 days and 3(1.5%) delivered after 15-21 days in according with EDD calculated by CRL . In LMP-ED Dout of 200 cases, 88(44%) delivered before 5 days, 85(42.5%) delivered from 4 days before to 7 days after, 27(13.5%) delivered after days. Prediction of USG EDD is significantly differed from LMP EDD (Chi –Square =69.7, df =2, P Value =<0.0000001). Conclusion: 89% (178) women delivered within + or – 7 days EDD estimated from LMP 98%(196) women delivered within + or – 14 days of EDD estimated from CRL to conclude, ultrasonographic measurement of CRL (crown Rump Length) between 6-14 weeks of pregnancy is more accurate predictor of EDD as compared to LMP. We recommend the routine use of CRL estimate in the prediction of EDD even if the patient recalls her LMP certainly.
Authors and Affiliations
Arati Mane, L L Pujari
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