Some Legal problems of State Budget and the Budget Act in Poland
Journal Title: Studia z zakresu nauk prawnoustrojowych. MISCELLANEA - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 0
The elaboration presents some selected legal problems concerning passing, range of application and detailed character of state budget and the budget act. There are current problems that require analysis and discussion leading to doubts or the need for a change in the legal system, including the Constitution. The article presents - in general overview - the following legal issues: the problem of the relation between budget regulations contained in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and EU budget regulations, legal meaning of budget principles, the problem of state budget completeness and the range of the budget act, the issue of not passing a budget act before the beginning of a budget year, meaning of budget's detailed character for legal liability of entities implementing the budget.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Borodo
Ustalenie obowiązku alimentacyjnego rodziców względem dziecka
Z definicji obowiązku alimentacyjnego rodziców względem dziecka wynika, iż rodzice są obowiązani do świadczeń alimentacyjnych względem dziecka, które nie jest jeszcze w stanie utrzymać się samodzielnie. Tak stanowi dyspo...
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