Special aspects of anthropogenic transformation of forest grass cover in Сherkasy region
Journal Title: Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy) - Year 2016, Vol 8, Issue 1
The aim of our study was to analyze the structure of ecological and coenotical grass cover forest ecosystems Cherkasy region as an indicator of anthropogenic disturbance forests. As grass vegetation is flexible elements of forests and first responds to changes in the environment, so we decided to detect changes in the structure and dynamics of the grass cover forest ecosystems Cherkasy region in terms of complex human influence (aer pollution emissions however industrial effects and recreational influencing). By way of example are forests Cherkassie's Bor and Chygyryn's Bor. State forest plant communities of Cherkasy described in detail in our articles (Miroshnik, 2009, 2011). Now we estimate the environmental spectrum grass cover of woodside Cherkassie's Bor (depending on the distance to the city as identifying the impact of recreation and distance from Cherkasy industrial agglomeration – how to influence aer pollution). Grass cover Chygyryn's Bor investigatied depending on the distance from industrial agglomeration and as a control. Type of asexual versatility grass is valuation (reference to Ramenskiy, 1971). That is integrating factor of species stability and as a precondition for its ability to capture and maintenance of living space. In massive forests asexual versatility plants distributing are different. Vegetative mobile (as high ability to capture space) grasses dominated by deep forest of Cherkassy, and motionless vegetative species the most of woodside Cherkassie's Bor. Motionless vegetative species are dominate in Chygyryn's Bor, because that too low moisture content of planting media. That are preventing distribution of rhizome plants. We found that forest ecosystems of grass cover transforms into xerophytic grasses and ruderal communities under the impact of negative biotic and abiotic factors. It is an anthropogenic violation of forest conditions, stands decline, recreational and industrial tree crowns understocking, xerophytic and heliophytic transformations of forest conditions. All named causes ruderal and adventive transformation of grass cover. With the Cherkasy industrial agglomeration approaching which emits toxic to plant nitrogen-containing gases nitrophilous plant spread. Adventive and other non-forest species displace ferns and mosses. The ratio of ecomorfs changes due to increase the quantity and development activation of annuals, xerophytic, ruderal and nitrofil plants. There is xerophytic, ruderal, adventive transformation of grass cover in forest ecosystems. Installed the tendency of expanding mesophilic plant species fraction due to the water regime change (Kremenchug reservoir creation and draining of floodplain Tyasmyn). With approaching to Cherkasy industrial agglomeration the grass cover degradation increasing gradient is clearly observed on the environmental profile. All of this causes the forest ecosystem degradation and gradual loss of forest vegetation characteristics. Anthropogenic changes of ecological modes have been occurred, so tolerant to transformed forest conditions plants types are dominated in forest ecosystems Cherkasy region
Authors and Affiliations
Н. Мірошник
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