Species of Orchidaceae Juss. in the National Natural Park "Vyzhnytsky": distribution, coenotical affiliation
Journal Title: Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy) - Year 2018, Vol 10, Issue 2
Information on the distribution of 23 species of Orchidaceae family on the territory of the National Nature Park (NPP) "Vyzhnytsky" is provided. For each species it is given information about nature conservation status and scientific significance. Also cadastre and schematic map of locations are compiled, and coenototical and biotopical affiliation is established. The funds of the four Herbarium (CHER, KW, LE, LW), published and unpublished information was used to prepare the cadastre materials. They contain more than 50 locusts of orchids, which were investigated during 1952-2018. Maps were made by using a grid method (square 1 x 1 km) in the MapInfo software, they represent the peculiarities of species distribution and degree of park territory exploration. On the territory of the NPP "Vyzhnytsky", the orchids populations are part of 7 unions, 6 orders, 5 classes of vegetation and 5 types of habitats from 4-th Resolution of the Berne Convention: E1.71: Nardus stricta swards; E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadows; E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grassland; G1.4115: Eastern Carpathian Alnus glutinosa swamp woods; G1.6: Fagus forestland. In the park, the orchid species are within the range and are distinguished by their all-Ukrainian value because they are included to the Red Data Book of Ukraine (2009). 5 species (Listera ovata, Neotinea ustulata, Neottia nidus-avis, Pseudorchis albida, Traunsteinera globosa) are taxonomically representative at the genus level, and 18 species at the species level. On the territory of the park 11 species are known from 1 to 5 locations, 9 - from 6-20, 3 species - from 21-100 locations. The habitats of 12 species` populations occupy an area of up to 5 hectares, 5 - from 5 to 50 hectares, and 6 - from 51 to 500 hectares. On the territory of investigated coenosis, 10 species of orchids occur very rarely (un), 13 are rarely (sol). As for the practical using of plants by human beings, 22 species are not collected or only their fruits are used, and in 1 case (Anacamptis morio) underground parts are excavated that affects on the reproductive capacity of this species. The sozological evaluation, the detailed description of the chorological, coenotical and biotopical affiliation of orchids and prepared spreading maps will serve as a means of monitoring the dynamics of populations and finding their potential settlements in unexplored areas of the park.
Authors and Affiliations
A. I. Tokaryuk, I. I. Chorney, V. V. Budzhak
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