Spectrum of Thyroid Lesions and its Clinicopathological Correlation – A Two Year Study from A Tertiary Care Centre
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 7
Introduction: Thyroid diseases are one of the common endocrine abnormality both in India and worldwide. Clinically apparent thyroid nodules are seen in 4-5 % of population. Majority of thyroid swellings are nonneoplastic, only <5 % are malignant. Non-neoplastic diseases of thyroid gland manifests as enlargement of thyroid, altered hormone secretion and its consequences or as both. Papillary carcinoma thyroid is the most common primary malignancy of thyroid. Our attempt was to study the spectrum of thyroid lesions and to correlate histopathological findings with biochemical, radiological & cytological features. Materials & Method: Descriptive study over 2 years where all thyroidectomies received in our department satisfying the inclusion and exclusion criteria were studied and statistically analysed. Results: Thyroid diseases were most commonly seen in 40-50 years of age with females being more affected than males. Multinodular goitre was the most common lesion cytologically, radiologically and histo pathologically. Papillary carcinoma was the most common malignancy detected, most common variant being classic papillary type. Most common associated lesion with papillary carcinoma thyroid was multinodular goitre. Fine needle aspiration cytology and ultrasound showed moderate agreement with histopathology as far as the diagnosis of papillary carcinoma was concerned. Conclusion: Thyroid diseases showed definite female predominance, with most of them occurring in an age group of 30-50 years. Multi nodular goitre remains the most common disease clinically, radiologically and cytologically even after vigorous iodisation programmes. Fine needle aspiration findings and ultrasonogram findings showed moderate agreement with histopathology as far as papillary carcinoma was concerned. Papillary carcinoma was the most common neoplastic disease, with classic papillary variant being most common. Most common associated lesion with Papillary Carcinoma was Multi nodular goitre. This study emphasises the need of periodic evaluation in middle aged female patients with multi nodular goitre for early detection of papillary carcinoma. It also highlights the significance of FNAC as an indispensable tool for early diagnosis of papillary carcinoma. A combined cytological and radiological approach is expected to yield better results
Authors and Affiliations
Dr Priya P Kartha
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