Spiritus Loci in the Prehistory of Bucovina
Journal Title: Codrul Cosminului - Year 2010, Vol 16, Issue 1
The allocution, which I presented on the occasion of awarding of Doctor Honoris Causa of the University „Stefan cel Mare” Suceava (December 7. 2009), aims to capture the fundamental characteristic of the Bukovina, as historical and cultural entity of the Carpathian civilizations. Examples drawn from different periods of Prehistory emerge the idea that synthesis between the prevailing local elements (which imparted a certain rhythm of the evolution, encountered also, in different forms, in the other Carpathians areas) and different allogeneous influences, especially from Central Europe, but sometimes also from the north-Pontic steppe and forest-steppe regions always occurred in the territory of Bukovina, located at the northeastern edge of the Carpathian area. It therefore follows that the periodical fluctuation between the integration in the Carpathian civilization and the opening towards the external influences, especially East-Central European ones, is the rule of the entire history of Bukovina.
Authors and Affiliations
Nicolae Ursulescu
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