This paper presents the Polish regulations concerning the taxation of capital gains income resulting from the Income Tax Act. It also presents the possible means that entrepreneurs may use to help them reduce the tax bur...
The essence of the patent system is the granting and guaranteeing to the inventor or other entitled entity the right of exclusive commercial and professional use of the invention within a period defined by law. The legit...
[b]Taxation of Income from Capital Gains in Poland as One of the Key Influences on Entrepreneurial Decision Making[/b]
This paper presents the Polish regulations concerning the taxation of capital gains income resulting from the Income Tax Act. It also presents the possible means that entrepreneurs may use to help them reduce the tax bur...
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The essence of the patent system is the granting and guaranteeing to the inventor or other entitled entity the right of exclusive commercial and professional use of the invention within a period defined by law. The legit...
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