[b][i]Equality in the Access to Public Information. Between the Law and Modern Technology[/i][/b]
Journal Title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem - Year 2010, Vol 3, Issue 1
Authors and Affiliations
Adam Krzyżanowski
Adam Krzyżanowski
On the limits of the ne bis in idem and lex retro non agit principles. Comments against the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal regarding the so-called „Act on the Beasts”
The so-called „Beasts Act" is a legal regulation, which deals with particularly dangerous perpetrators convicted by valid sentences for many years before its entry into force and concerns the proceedings against them aft...
Should lawyers be pragmatists? Few words on legal education from the perspective of R. Rorty’s noepragmatism
In my paper I would like to analyze the topic o academic legal education, using for that purpose tool granted by Rochard Rorty’s neopragmatism and Artur Kozak’s juriscentrism. In this article I consider the possibility o...
Reflections on the French Council of State’s Ruling of 26 August 2016 “Banning the »Burkini«”
The article offers an analysis into the French Council of State’s ruling of 26 August 2016, which suspended a ban – imposed by a decision of a mayor of a coastal resort town – on wearing the burkini on local beaches. “Th...
Procedury alternatywnego rozwiązywania sporów sądowych w Stanach Zjednoczonych Ameryki
Rozwój form alternatywnego rozwiązywania sporów Alternative Disputes Resolution (ADR) nastąpił w katach 60. XX wieku w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Zastosowano je po raz pierwszy w latach 70. w sprawach związanych z ochroną śr...
[b][i]Energy Security in Poland in the Context of Energy Security in the European Union[/i][/b]
Energy security is a wide notion, which is rather difficult of define in an unambiguous way. However, from a geopolitical point of view, national energy security primarily means the secure access to vari-ous energy carri...