Spontaneous Children’s Activities as a Creative Process
Journal Title: Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce - Year 2018, Vol 13, Issue 2
Creativity is usually associated with art, forgetting that it accompanies us in our everyday life. We are constantly creating something, as a result of which we learn, experience, create our reality and that of others, enriching our own worldview as a result and also having fun. In the first part of this paper we outline a theoretical basis of creativity, and we present theories that explain creativity in a context of spontaneous children’s activities. In our research we started with an assumption that children are competent and capable. By careful observation of them, we were able to answer the questions: are children truly creative? In which situations? Can this creativity show us something about the child? The research problem was formulated with the above questions in mind, and the purpose of the research is to discover answers to questions through the applications of qualitative research based on the interpretive. As a research method, we decided to use participatory observation – which has its roots in grounded theory. The research was carried out in a Wrocław educational institution mainly based on the concept of democratic education. The results of the observations show that children, through their creativity, invite us to join their own world, showing at the same time a part of themselves. This can be easily overlooked by not being attentive enough and refusing this invitation to their world. Children’s creativity is spontaneous, free from the framework and criteria in which we, adults, try to put it in.
Authors and Affiliations
Dagmara Lewandowska, Kamila Lipka
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