Способи епізації лірики у творчості Василя Слапчука
Journal Title: Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue
This article reviews current basic methods of lyrics episation in the context of literary genres and forms evolution. The role of the poetry size accompanied by epic characteristics, such as diff erent descriptions, additional characters and plot elements are discussed. The study analyzes poetry peculiarities caused by narration, in particular, the narrator type and narrative. The author uses the narrator typology, proposed by W. Schmid. The poetry composition peculiarities related to the plot are defi ned. The article reveals the uniqueness of time and spatial relations and the function of descriptions and additional characters in poetry. It also investigates the infl uence of genres characters borrowed from traditional epic on the generic nature of poetry. The correlation of certain poetries with the genres of parables, fairy tales and fables are partially examined.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Sergey Chui
Культурний простір Гетьманщини доби Данила Апостола
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