Spracovania chorálov v slovenskej organovej literatúre 20. a 21. storočia

Journal Title: Musica Ecclesiastica - Year 2015, Vol 10, Issue


In the organ production of the 20th and 21st century world famous compositors, the chorals, both the Gregorian ones and the protestant ones, represent a notable inspirational component. Although they did not get very important compositional echo in the Slovak ambient, for some authors were chorals significant element of inspirations. The Author, in her paper, tries to characterize these influences focusing the attention especially on the few, but therefore most interesting examples of the utilization of the other choral inspirations in the Church music, made by compositors of the Slovak provenience. Particularly she analyzes some selected works from Jozef Rosinský, Vladimír Rusó, Ivan Valenta and Víťazoslav Kubička interesting by their inspiration including Gregorian chant, Protestant chorals and Slovak sacred songs melodies as well. On the map of the Church music of the XXth and XXIst centuries tries the Author in this way to focus the attention on the variability of influences which constitutes its comprehensive compositional treasure.

Authors and Affiliations

Zuzana Zahradníková


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How To Cite

Zuzana Zahradníková (2015). Spracovania chorálov v slovenskej organovej literatúre 20. a 21. storočia. Musica Ecclesiastica, 10(), 33-42. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-581337