Aim: The aim of this study was evaluation of the percentage and mean fluorescence intensity of lymphocytes B with expression CD80 and CD86 in hypertrophied adenoids in children with otitis media with effusion. Material a...
Introduction: Head and neck cancer treatment optimization and individualization has become possible due to the implementation of the prognostic and predictive molecular markers in diagnostics. Aim: The aim of this study...
Introduction. Many pathologies of the posterior fossa can induce vertigo or dizziness. Usually they are due to benign or malignant tumors. The aim. of our study was to present the cases of the patients with central verti...
Petrosal cholesteatomas are rare lesions, which may be primary or acquired in nature. We report a case of primary
cholesteatoma in petrous bone occurring in 51-year old woman who presented with a unilateral facial
In otolaryngology, C02 laser is the first and most commonly applied device. Such lasers as Ny:YAG generating visible light having wavelength 532 nm referred to as KTP laser due to the Name of the crystal where infrared l...
EP ID EP51821
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How To Cite
Henryk Skarżyński (2009). Sprawozdanie naukowe z 27th Politzer Society Meeting, Londyn 3-5.09.09. Otolaryngologia Polska, 63(5),
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CD80 and CD86 coreceptors expression on lymphocytes B in hypertrophied adenoids in children with otitis media with effusion
Aim: The aim of this study was evaluation of the percentage and mean fluorescence intensity of lymphocytes B with expression CD80 and CD86 in hypertrophied adenoids in children with otitis media with effusion. Material a...
Ekspresja niektórych molekularnych markerów immunohistochemicznych i ocena ich znaczenia prognostycznego w rakach płaskonabłonkowych jamy ustnej i wargi
Introduction: Head and neck cancer treatment optimization and individualization has become possible due to the implementation of the prognostic and predictive molecular markers in diagnostics. Aim: The aim of this study...
Centralne zawroty głowy w przebiegu guzów tylnego dołu czaszki
Introduction. Many pathologies of the posterior fossa can induce vertigo or dizziness. Usually they are due to benign or malignant tumors. The aim. of our study was to present the cases of the patients with central verti...
Primary cholesteatoma of the middle ear and petrosal bone
Petrosal cholesteatomas are rare lesions, which may be primary or acquired in nature. We report a case of primary cholesteatoma in petrous bone occurring in 51-year old woman who presented with a unilateral facial nerve...
Application of lasers in treatment of larynx diseases
In otolaryngology, C02 laser is the first and most commonly applied device. Such lasers as Ny:YAG generating visible light having wavelength 532 nm referred to as KTP laser due to the Name of the crystal where infrared l...