SUMMARY Introduction: Thanks to videostrobokymography the vocal fold vibration from particular area of glottal chink, can be assessed in an objective way. Aim: Evaluation of objective parameters of vocal fold vibration w...
Z molekularnego punktu widzenia zarówno etap
inicjacji, jak i progresji procesu nowotworowego
charakteryzuje nadekspresja onkogenów i obniżenie
(brak) ekspresji genów supresji nowotworowej. Zmiany
ekspresji onkogenów i g...
Introduction: Allergic rhinitis concerns nearly 25% of the Polish population. Among pollen allergens, the most common reasons for allergic rhinitis are: grass, birch and mugwort. Knowledge of the characteristics of polle...
Purpose: Transcription nuclear factor NFκB (p65-p50/RelA) is an activator of transcription process and regulates the apoptosis, cell cycle, proliferation, secretion of cytokines, angiogenic and growth factors by initiati...
Introduction. The most often changes in the central nervous system (CNS) occurring as an effect of perinatal asphyxia are found to be hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) in term newborns, peri- (PVH) or intraventricula...
EP ID EP51850
Views 75
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How To Cite
Andrzej Jankowski (2009). Sprawozdanie z posiedzenia Zarządu Głównego Towarzystwa Otolaryngologicznego Chirurgów Głowy i Szyi. Otolaryngologia Polska, 63(6),
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The Videostrobokymography in phoniatric practice
SUMMARY Introduction: Thanks to videostrobokymography the vocal fold vibration from particular area of glottal chink, can be assessed in an objective way. Aim: Evaluation of objective parameters of vocal fold vibration w...
Molekularna charakterystyka uszkodzeń chromosomów w liniach komórkowych chłoniaka Hodgkina oraz płaskonabłonkowego raka krtani
Z molekularnego punktu widzenia zarówno etap inicjacji, jak i progresji procesu nowotworowego charakteryzuje nadekspresja onkogenów i obniżenie (brak) ekspresji genów supresji nowotworowej. Zmiany ekspresji onkogenów i g...
The dynamics of pollen seasons of the most allergenic plants - 15-year observations in Warsaw
Introduction: Allergic rhinitis concerns nearly 25% of the Polish population. Among pollen allergens, the most common reasons for allergic rhinitis are: grass, birch and mugwort. Knowledge of the characteristics of polle...
Expression of transcription nuclear factor NFκB in laryngeal carcinoma tumor cells – correlation with IL-10 expression by blood mononuclear cells and clinicomorphological features
Purpose: Transcription nuclear factor NFκB (p65-p50/RelA) is an activator of transcription process and regulates the apoptosis, cell cycle, proliferation, secretion of cytokines, angiogenic and growth factors by initiati...
Ocena funkcji pozaślimakowej części drogi słuchowej u niemowląt ze zmianami w obrębie ośrodkowego układu nerwowego powstałymi na skutek asfi ksji okołoporodowej
Introduction. The most often changes in the central nervous system (CNS) occurring as an effect of perinatal asphyxia are found to be hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) in term newborns, peri- (PVH) or intraventricula...