Spread and Expression of Bullying in Years of Adolescence

Journal Title: Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai - Year 2013, Vol 39, Issue 1


In this article rather a relevant for owr modern society and school problem – bullying among senior students – is being analysed. Students ofte encounter violence and most frequently one of its forms – bullying. Suffering from bullying has been recently widely discussed and written at different levels. In accordance with the research results (Bullying in Lithuanian Schools: Problems and Solutions 2009), bullying occurs among students in Lithuania very frequently. The country’s students are bullied by each other more often than in many other European countries. Students suffer from bullying by other students in adolescence mostly, though in some cases by teachers as well. Such behaviour undermines the psychological climate of the schools, students’ personally, their well-being, parent-teacher relationships. The results of the survey has revealed the most frequent forms reasons of bullying and places where it is encounted. The survey has also revealed adolescents attitude towards bullying and victims. The survey has showed that bullying is spread in compulsory and secondary schools. Students suffer from bullies, but they are also tend to tease their peers. Students are not always able to solve problems, so they think that information about cases of bullying must be sent to trustworthy adult who work in appropriate positions in the educational system

Authors and Affiliations

Jurgita Sereikienė, Birutė Šilėnienė


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How To Cite

Jurgita Sereikienė, Birutė Šilėnienė (2013). Spread and Expression of Bullying in Years of Adolescence. Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai, 39(1), 63-69. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-98827