Squamous odontogenic tumor-like proliferations: Report of 6 cases and review of the literature
Squamous odontogenic tumor-like proliferations (SOTLPs) are epithelial nests located within the wall of odontogenic cysts and are histologically similar to the squamous odontogenic tumor. Aim: To present the clinical and microscopical findings of 6 cases of SOTLPs and discuss their differential diagnosis. Materials and Methods: Six cases of SOTLPs in odontogenic cysts were collected from the archives of the Department of Oral Pathology and Medicine, from January 1983 to December 2015. Results: Five cases occurred in men and one in a woman, with a mean age of 42.5 yrs. Histologically, epithelial islands were observed within the connective tissue of the wall of the cysts, which in most cases were infiltrated by inflammatory cells. Conclusions: SOTLPs constitute a hyperplasia of the epithelial lining of odontogenic cysts and their presence does not affect the biological behavior of the cysts. Proper histopathologic diagnosis is imperative, as they may imitate other lesions with different prognosis and management.
Authors and Affiliations
Michail NIKOLAKIS, Evangelia PIPERI, Nikolaos KEREZOUDIS, Konstantinos TOSIOS
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Squamous odontogenic tumor-like proliferations: Report of 6 cases and review of the literature
Squamous odontogenic tumor-like proliferations (SOTLPs) are epithelial nests located within the wall of odontogenic cysts and are histologically similar to the squamous odontogenic tumor. Aim: To present the clinical and...