Implants in Post-Extraction Sockets: Current Bibliographic Data


SUMMARY: Introduction: The use of dental implants represents a widely accepted and adequately documented approach for the rehabilitation of edentulous patients. The need of both patients and clinicians for the reduction of total treatment time led to the evolution of alternative techniques, such as immediate implant placement (IIP) in fresh extraction sockets. Materials and methods: After an electronic search in PubMed, published articles up to May 2017, written in English language, were selected for evaluation according to the aforementioned aims. Results-Discussion: The IIP is a demanding surgical procedure with high survival rates similar to those of conservative implant placement protocol. Compared to the delayed placement, this technique does not seem to be more advantageous in terms of preservation of peri-implant bone and soft tissues. Conclusions: The clinical applications of immediate implants have yielded immediate and predictable outcomes over long term follow-up periods. However, the treatment plan of IIP should be performed in selected cases and adjustment of all special critical factors.

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Dimitra TRIKKA, Ioannis PAPADIOCHOS, Sophia PAPADIOCHOU, Vassilios PETSINIS (2017). Implants in Post-Extraction Sockets: Current Bibliographic Data. ΑΡΧΕΙΑ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΣΤΟΜΑΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΓΝΑΘΟΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΗΣ ΧΕΙΡΟΥΡΓΙΚΗΣ, 18(2), 57-78.