Stability attenuation of BCG vaccine strain
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С.З. Гжицького - Year 2018, Vol 20, Issue 83
As the basis for prevention of tuberculosis is the use of BCG vaccine. The experience of using the tu-berculous vaccine has shown quite positive results. Mycobacterium bovis of BCG vaccine strain, which are preserved in laboratories from different countries may differ slightly in their biological properties, including virulence and immunogenicity. Objective of work is to investigate the stability attenuation of BCG vaccine strain. BCG vaccine strain (BCG-Russia) was used for investigations. The morphology, cultural and biochemical properties of mycobacteria determined by means of agreed-upon methods. We used amplifier iCycler iQ5 and a set of reagents for PCR-amplification of DNA with real-time detection for carrying out PCR. The determination of the virulence and sensitivizing properties of mycobacteria was carried out using the biological test. The pieces of the spleen and lungs were taken for histological examination. It was found that Mycobacterium bovis BCG strains formed on the nutrient medium by Mordovskyi the matted colonies of ivory color with a hilly surface and uneven edges (R-forms). In the smears from colonies, after staining by Ziehl-Neelsen, acid-resistant and non-acid resistant sticks were observed. Mycobacteria BCG strain in the medium of Shkolnykova formed microcolonies, which morphologically resembled «cord». Gene-molecular studies have established the presence of the DNA-target in the mycobacteria of the vaccinal strain. In infected Guinea pigs 3–4 weeks later, an ulcer was formed at the place of introduction of the suspension. Mycobacteria did not cause in laboratory animals the death and development of an infectious process characteristic of tuberculosis. At the autopsy of Guinea pigs characteristic macroscopic changes (tubercular nodes) were not observed. In the spleen of all animals, moderate hyperemia, red pulp hyperplasia were observed. Lymphoid follicles had signs of hyperplasia. At the intersection of laboratory animals of the second and third passages macroscopic pathoanatomical changes were not found. Conclusion: BCG strain do not cause macroscopic pathoanatomical changes in Guinea pigs during three «blind» passages, indicating the stability of his attenuation.
Authors and Affiliations
V. V. Glebenyuk, V. G. Petrusha
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