State targeted programs as the basis for sustainable development policy implementation in Ukraine
Journal Title: Економічний аналіз - Year 2017, Vol 27, Issue 1
The role of the state targeted programs in forming the possibilities of bringing in additional sourcing of administrative process has been justified. It has been emphasized that plenty of such documents lack the effective system of monitoring and estimation of their implementation efficiency that is inconsistent with the principles and practical embodiment of Sustainable Development Conception at the national level. Attention has been drawn to the necessity of selection and taking into account in the process of development and implementation of state targeted programs the priority value of human and natural constituents of national wealth in the context of construction of the bioinformative society and entrance of the national economy on the vector of steady development, following the national interests under the conditions of world globalization and integration processes. System destructive factors that prevent effective implementation of the state targeted programs have been distinguished. The dynamics of the number of the approved state targeted programs, target and factual data of the programs fulfilment according to their types, the structure of borrowings for their implementation according to sourcing in 2015 in Ukraine have been analysed. The conceptual principles of the improvement of state targeted programs implementation in the context of strategic priorities of sustainable development in the state have been defined on the basis of foreign experience adaptation.
Authors and Affiliations
Mariya Kvak
. Взаємозалежність параметрів розвитку підприємств сфери медичних послуг в Україні
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