Stigmatization on the way to recovery in mental illness – the factors directly linked to psychiatric therapy
Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2013, Vol 47, Issue 6
The aim of this study is to draw attention to the ambiguity of the relationship between the process of recovery and implemented psychiatric treatment. With getting the diagnosis, a mentally ill person is automatically assigned to a certain society group and is involved into the mental health care system. People with a diagnosis of serious mental illness have to face not only their new health condition and adapt to the available health care system, but also to deal with the reaction of their environment. The process of recovery in mental illness includes remission of symptoms, getting back to the normal functioning, recuperating the life satisfaction, but also means the personal transformation and opposition to stigma. The most of the public demonstrates the stigmatizing opinions and discriminatory behavior in relation to the mentally ill, which does not foster their recovery and social reintegration. The nearest surrounding of the mentally ill is dominated by psychiatric staff, other mentally ill, psychotropic drugs and psychiatric hospital. These factors directly linked to the diagnosis and treatment of a psychiatric patient are supposed to help in recovery. In fact, at the same time they may contribute to recovery, and be a source of additional suffering or impede recovery. Despite symptomatic and functional remission, the mentally ill people stay outside the mainstream, remain socially isolated and excluded.
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Tyszkowska
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