Stimulation of iron-restricted erythropoiesis with iron (III) isomaltoside 1000 does not oversaturate transferrin in haemodialysed patients with anaemia – a retrospective study
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2015, Vol 28, Issue 10
Introduction. Iron deficiency, either absolute or relative, contributes to the developmentof anaemia in end-stage renal failure. Intravenous iron supplementation is a standardtreatment in patients on haemodialysis therapy. Available intravenous iron preparationsdiffer in toxicity, dependent on the amount of potentially harmful free iron that is detachedfrom the transporting particle. Interception of free iron by apotransferrin results in TSATincrease.Aim. The aim of this study was to assess the changes in TSAT after injection of iron (III)isomaltoside 1000 in haemodialysis patients.Material and methods. The study was conducted in two groups of anemic patientson maintenance haemodialysis for end-stage renal failure. Each group comprised 8 patientswith baseline TSAT < 35%. Two weekly doses of 100 mg iron (III) isomaltoside1000 were administered in the first group. In the second group, 200 mg iron (III) isomaltoside1000 was administered as the first weekly dose, followed by a 100 mg dose. Thechanges in TSAT were measured 210 minutes after each administration. The results wereanalysed with the STATISTICA software.Results. Both 100 and 200 mg of iron (III) isomaltoside 1000 caused statistically significant,transient increase in TSAT values. TSAT values after 200 mg isomaltoside weresignificantly higher in comparison to 100 mg (p = 0.026264). In neither case the TSATvalues reached 60%. No adverse effects of supplementation were observed.Conclusions. In haemodialysis patients iron (III) isomaltoside 1000 causes moderateand transient increase in TSAT values. The 200 mg iron (III) isomaltoside 1000 seems safeonly in patients with significant iron depletion.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Chmiel-Majewska, Dorota Daniewska, Tomasz Żelek, Ryszard Gellert
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