Strategic management of competitive advantages of the enterprise

Journal Title: Економіка. Фінанси. Право - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue


Introduction. In the context of growing instability and competition, an important task for domestic enterprises is to improve their competitiveness in national and international markets in the strategic context. The goal and result of strategic management of the enterprise is to achieve competitive advantages as the main manifestation of leadership among competitors. The priority direction of formation of competitive advantages should be the uniqueness of competitive advantages in combination with the optimal strategy of their development, which will provide the business entity with stable competitiveness in the market and economic growth opportunities in the long term. Purpose. The purpose of the research is to determine the strategic directions of the formation of competitive advantages of domestic enterprises in modern economic conditions. Results. The article deals with the management of the competitive advantages of the company as a priority task of strategic management, providing competitive ability on the basis of growth of competitive potential, strengthening of market position and increasing opportunities for the development of the enterprise in the long-term perspective. The actual directions of the formation of competitive advantages on the basis of the use of innovative, informational, intellectual and human resources, as well as modern business strategies that enable enterprises to form long-term competitive advantages through the dissemination of new knowledge and the implementation of their results into innovative solutions are explored. Conclusions. Dynamics of the modern environment requires the introduction of an effective system of strategic management of the enterprise, which will ensure a high level of competitiveness, a stable market position and the ability to quickly adapt to new requirements. In the long run, the success of an enterprise in the market guarantees the competitive advantages that are formed on the basis of the results of intellectual and innovative activities with the productive use of information resources, human capital and modern approaches to strategic management of business entities.

Authors and Affiliations

Olena Oleksiivna Oleinykova, Alina Eduardivna Boiko


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How To Cite

Olena Oleksiivna Oleinykova, Alina Eduardivna Boiko (2018). Strategic management of competitive advantages of the enterprise. Економіка. Фінанси. Право, 6(), 13-15.