Strategie topo-biograficzne Piotra Pazińskiego
Journal Title: Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Poetica - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue
Topo-biographical strategies of Piotr Paziński The main aim of the article is an interpretation of novels written by Piotr Paziński – especially Birds’ streets (Ptasie ulice) from 2013, but also Guesthouse (Pensjonat) from 2009. In his prose the author is always searching for traces of Jewish identity and memory of the war-time in contemporary Warsaw (and its surroundings). His literary strategy is a kind of spatial obsession – he exhibits places: destroyed, ruined or removed as a sign of lost memory about Jewish history in Polish space. Individual identity of characters created in his novels (as well as possibly his own self-identification) is formed during the recognition of places connected with singular biography and common history.
Authors and Affiliations
Agnieszka Czyżak
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Strategie topo-biograficzne Piotra Pazińskiego
Topo-biographical strategies of Piotr Paziński The main aim of the article is an interpretation of novels written by Piotr Paziński – especially Birds’ streets (Ptasie ulice) from 2013, but also Guesthouse (Pensjonat) f...
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