Stress coping strategies of prelingually deaf cochlear implant users implanted in adulthood

Journal Title: Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis - Year 2014, Vol 68, Issue 3


INTRODUCTION There so far have been no psychological studies on stress coping strategies used by prelingually deaf individuals. Assessment of the efficacy of coping in confrontation with stress is of key importance in the case of persons with a handicap, such as prelingual deafness, and enables one to propose them an adequate offer of hearing and speech (re)habilitation, including psychological intervention. The aim of this study was to compare prelingually deaf adult cochlear implant (CI) users with hearing individuals in terms of stress coping strategies taking account of CI experience, the use of sign language and socio-demographic variables. MATERIAL AND METHODS Study was conducted by post and involved 79 persons with prelingual deafness aged 19–62 years, using CIs implanted after 18 years of age, for whom the response ratio was 63.3%, and hearing persons. An inquiry form and Brief COPE questionnaire were used. RESULTS Prelingually deaf CI users more seldom than hearing persons use active coping, also they less often use psychoactive substances, while they more often use behavioral disengagement. Sex, age, marital (partnership) status and work significantly influence the coping strategies used. Longer CI experience is related to using self-blame and turning to religion more seldom. Individuals who use sign language significantly less often use venting as a stress coping strategy. CONCLUSIONS Stress coping strategies used by prelingually deaf CI users differ significantly from those used by hearing persons as well as postlingually deaf CI users. It is therefore not expedient to treat CI users as a homogenous group irrespective of the deafness etiology, particularly in planning rehabilitation management and in research.

Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Kobosko, Edyta Piłka, Agnieszka Pankowska, Henryk Skarżyński


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How To Cite

Joanna Kobosko, Edyta Piłka, Agnieszka Pankowska, Henryk Skarżyński (2014). Stress coping strategies of prelingually deaf cochlear implant users implanted in adulthood. Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis, 68(3), 154-163.