Strontium in the pedosphere under fir forest of the Russian Altai
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 12
The pedosphere under the blackened forests of the Russian Altai is a unique object for studying the migration of strontium atoms, since its development occurs in relatively acidic humid conditions and there are no carbonates and almost no sulfates. All these factors contribute to the mobilization of atoms of the element under study. In addition, pedogenesis on homogeneous brown carbon–free clay and loam make it possible to study the effect of podzolization on the distribution of strontium atoms in the pedosphere. Expedition routes conducted from 2000 to 2011 covered the basins of the Biya (Lebed, Tondoshka, Pyzha and Iogach), Katun (Maima, Isha), Alei (East Alei), Charysh (Belaya) rivers. Analytical work was carried out in the laboratory of the biogeochemistry of the Institute for Water and Environmental Problems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The total content of humic compounds in the fine earth was determined by the Tyurin method in Nikitin’s modification, the particle size distribution by the Kachinskii pipetting method, the current acidity by the potentiometric method, the ionic composition of water-soluble salts by the titrimetric method, the absorption capacity by the Bobko–Askinazi method in the Grabar variant with the end Aydinyan The determination of the total strontium content in samples of fine earth was carried out at the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences by a quantitative plasma spectral method. As a result, it became clear that in the process of pedogenesis under the blackened forests of the Russian Altai, at the podzolization stage, there is a weak leaching of strontium atoms from brown carbon–free clays and loams, which are quickly absorbed by the root systems of plants and fixed as part of humus substances in the upper part of the pedosphere profile.
Authors and Affiliations
A. Saltykov
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