Structure of the Total Financial Potential of Agriculture: Regional Aspect
Journal Title: Oblik i finansi - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 3
The purpose of the article is to form the architectural structure of the total financial potential of agriculture and to substantiate the predictive resource parameters of financial security of the regions of the agro-climatic zones of the Steppe of Ukraine. The components of the aggregate financial potential of agriculture at the regional level are determined, which are capable by certain properties of its objects, to perform actions to mobilize the real and hidden possibilities of financial resources in a limited time period. The method of inductive system analysis and simulation modeling was used to determine the influence of system factors of the aggregate financial potential of agriculture on the formation of generalized integrated index of its level in the regions of the agroclimatic zone of the Steppe of Ukraine. A predictive simulation model of a stable level of financial potential of the region is developed that allows for net income and net profit to ensure the efficient use of financial resources of agricultural enterprises. The proposed model is adequate, its statistical significance and reliability are sufficient for use in forecasting the level of financial potential of the region. Realization of the model provides reserve of the volume of own financial resources, increases profitability of business entities, forms external and internal incentives for agricultural development at the regional level.
Authors and Affiliations
Nataliya Trusova
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