Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 20
У статті розглядається проблема структуризації грецького ніжинського купецтва в контексті внутрішньої та зовнішньої торгівлі ХVІІІ–ХІХ ст.». Виділено три основних групи ніжинських грецьких купців за напрямами їх професійної активності: а) купці, що спеціалізувалися на зовнішній торгівлі, з-поміж яких слід виокремити торговців східними товарами лише в лавках та крамницях міста Ніжина; постачальників бакалії для шинків за замовленням; приїжджих греків-іноземців, що займалися широким спектром експортно-імпортної діяльності; б) купці, які займалися виключно внутрішньою торгівлею та постачанням товарів для армії; в) торговці дрібним та дешевим товаром – халатами, свічками, папером, клеєм, посудом, церковним начинням тощо. The intensive process of involving Ukraine in the European cooperation foregrounds studying historical traditions of trade relations with the countries and nations of ‘the old world’. The Greek nation is one of the most important partners among them as Ukraine has strong long-time cultural and economic connections with Greece. In the course of XVII-XVIII centuries the Greeks played the multifactorial part in the economic life of Ukraine. One of the main priorities of activity of the Greek centres established in Ukraine was trading. The Greek merchants from Nizhyn gained the leading position in the sphere of organising domestic and foreign trade in the territory of Ukraine. Nizhyn merchant class was formed during the century and its composition was changeable. However, having analysed the documents of Nizhyn Greek fraternity kept in Public Record Office of Chernihiv region we distinguish several groups of the Greek merchants The first group consisted of the merchants from Nizhyn who delivered goods from overseas. The Greeks from other countries who came to Nizhyn were also actively engaged in trading in Ukraine. During the Russian Empress Elizabeth’s rule Nizhyn community affirmed its rights by means of the letters patent (the 3rd of November, 1742). The innovation was the division of the Greeks into three groups – the permanent residents who since then gained advantage over other Greek merchants who came to live their temporarily to trade. The second group consisted of the merchants who were engaged only in domestic trading, that is reselling of goods and army supplying. The third group of merchants comprised those who sold ‘trifles’. Among them there were such essential and cheap goods as clothes, gowns, candles, paper, glue, tableware, holy vessels and so forth. More and more Greek merchants tried to gain the rights and privileges they could enjoy in case of joining the fraternity. The prospective of free and quick obtaining passport for travelling abroad attracted a number of merchants to get the fraternity’s patronage. The Greek merchants who were born in Nizyn were the descendants of the merchants who had settled down in the city in late XVII – early XVIII. They gradually deviated from foreign trade operations. In our opinion, this process is conditioned by the disconnection of the next merchants’ generations from the foreign trade’s traditions established by their forefathers. Their trade activity was confined to selling articles on the domestic Ukrainian market. It proves that there started the objective process of specialization among the Greek merchants from Nizhyn. According to that process one part of the merchants focused on foreign market, the other sold their goods only on the domestic one.
Authors and Affiliations
Vira Volonits
Записки іноземців як джерела з історії повсякденності грецької спільноти Приазов’я
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