„Studium przypadku” jako metoda nauczania studentów ekonomii i zarządzania [The Case Study as a Method for Teaching Economics and Management Students]
Journal Title: Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi - Year 2014, Vol 96, Issue 1
[The effectiveness of the didactic process is dependent on both content provided and teaching methods used. The case study method is a didactic tool that makes students a part of the didactic process and reduces the distance between theory and practice. The objective of the research was to assess of the influence of the case study method on the development of student business competences and engagement. To achieve this aim, survey analyses were conducted among students of the Poznań University of Economics. They assessed the influence of the method on understanding economic theory and reality, the development of analytical skills, negotiation, teamwork, and leadership as well as engagement during classes. The analysis of results showed that positive student opinions regarding this method made up the majority. Highest marks were given to the influence of the case study method on understanding theoretical information and engagement during classes, while the lowest went to the impact of this method is on the development of negotiating and leadership abilities.]
Authors and Affiliations
Aleksandra Gaweł, Maciej Pietrzykowski
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