Study of alcohol consumption and its sociodemographic determinants in a tribal village in Mandla district  

Journal Title: International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health - Year 2016, Vol 5, Issue 5


 Background: Alcohol consumption is considered a serious public health problem in many countries including India because of the associated health hazards and antisocial consequences. Nearly 70% of Indian population resides in villages, and the main occupation is farming which belongs to lower and lower-middle class. Gender differences in alcohol use have been recognized, but socioeconomic differences remain underresearched. It is, therefore, important in certain population groups such as tribal village population to find the extent of alcohol consumption and its sociodemographic determinants. Objective: To find the prevalence of alcohol consumption and its sociodemographic determinants. Materials and Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was carried out in a tribal village Meera Tola, Madhya Pradesh, during the months of October 14–January 15. A total of 214 villagers were interviewed. The study was conducted by personal house-to-house visits with a pretested oral questionnaire method. The data were collected on sociodemographic profile, occupation, and literacy status of each member of family. The data were collected on sociodemographic profile, use of alcohol, age at initiation, amount and years of consumption, ex-drinker, frequency, and brand of liquor consumed. Result: Overall prevalence of alcohol use was 8.26% among male and 0.95% among female subjects. Maximum consuming population was found in the age groups of 60 years and older, followed by 30–39 years. Alcohol consumption was more prevalent among illiterate (6.7%) when compared with literate (5.3%). Alcohol consumption pattern according to occupational status was found to be most prevalent among farmers and laborers (13%), followed by unemployed population (8.3%). Conclusion: Socioeconomic class and education pose direct impact on alcohol consumption in rural tribes. Efforts must be directed toward educational intervention for quitting alcohol among lower class and illiterates.

Authors and Affiliations

Shashi Prabha Tomar, Pradeep Kumar Kasar, Rajesh Tiwari, Surjeet Singh Rajpoot, Shubhangi Nayak


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  • EP ID EP128267
  • DOI 10.5455/ijmsph.2016.10022016353
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How To Cite

Shashi Prabha Tomar, Pradeep Kumar Kasar, Rajesh Tiwari, Surjeet Singh Rajpoot, Shubhangi Nayak (2016). Study of alcohol consumption and its sociodemographic determinants in a tribal village in Mandla district  . International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health, 5(5), 989-993.